At the first time, it made me headache!!! Confusing with many terms that should be clarify. Belief.... Value... Science... Many arguments about what is believed as the truth....
Until, one day, a lecturer (Ajarn in Thai language) tought us about it. His name is Ajarn Suthorn, the dean of Science Faculty in Biology area. He provided us many questions to be answered. What are philosophy, science, theology. This question made my mind opened.
"Philosophy is between theology and science" whereas in theology, human must accept every single belief without questioning whether it is true or not. On the other side, science always seek the truth with reasoning. It comes from "skeptic thinking" that means always doubting everything as a truth. And philosophy becomes the bridge between them. Regarding this issue, I BELIEVE THAT ISLAM IS PHILOSOPHY, THEOLOGY, AND SCIENCE. Masha Allah! How perfect this religion since all of the aspects is can be explained. ^_^
Other topic that Ajarn explained is about "scientific attitude". Scientific mean that we can prove that something is exist by human senses. However, frequently human make many mistakes in interpreting a phenomenon because of emotion role. And to be a wise person, we have to always clarify the data we got in order to think objectively and finally can produce an appropriate attitude called "scientific attitude".
One other terminology that I first time heard is "no man land". This means that no one occupy a specific matter. In analogical point is just like badminton or tennis players. They will find area that their rival cannot reach it. That is similar to research question. Try to find area that previous researchers did not find the answer. In addition, for me, it can be implied in our future success. We can find our success from other way that people never walk on this way.
Anyway, I become loving the philosophy since I can learn many perception about truth. Everyone can be true based on her/his philosophy of life. ^_^
Hatyai, June 26, 2012
i'm believe if you're believe. I can believe if you can believe. Something meet present in yourself. Hehe... Do you understand with i think?